Narayani River sees highest-ever water level
असार २, २०७८ बुधबार १७:२८:१४
Chitwan : The surface of the Narayani River has reached the highest-ever point in history. The water level in the River reached 10.46 meters at 10.50 last night. The water current during the time had increased to 16,455,000 liter per second.
Hydrologist of Narayani Basin Office Bharatpur, Rambikesh Roy, said the office had started measuring water level since 10 February 1962. The water level of the river was measured at 10.1 meter and 15,300 cubic meter per second on 5 August 1974, he informed.
The record of 10.1 meter was broken last night, he shared. “Since 1962, the water level was measured at the highest point last night”. The water level has crossed the danger line in the river.
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जीबी राई भगाउन सहयोग गर्ने सहसचिवलाई पुरस्कार !
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