Two Chinese and one Indian national die in Sindhupalchok floods
असार ४, २०७८ शुक्रबार १६:०:१३
Sindhupalchok: Three foreign nationals have died after they were swept away by flash floods in the Melamchi rivulet and the Indrawati rivulet following incessant rains in Sindhupalchok district. Thirteen persons are still missing in the floods, it is stated.
The District Police Office, Sindhupalchok confirmed the death of Kamal Lochan Mahatto of India and two Chinese nationals- Yu Chi Zhu and God Tian Tshio – in the flooding.
Seventy-four people who were marooned in the flood have been rescued by the Nepali Army, the armed Police Force and Nepal Police.
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जीबी राई भगाउन सहयोग गर्ने सहसचिवलाई पुरस्कार !
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