Nepal exports goods worth Rs 121 billion in past 11 months
असार ११, २०७८ शुक्रबार १३:५९:१५
Kathmandu : In the first 11 months of the current fiscal year, Nepal exported goods worth Rs 121.25 billion, which is 37.78 per cent more against the same period of the last fiscal year, according the Department of Customs.
Nepal had exported goods worth Rs 88 billion during the same period in the last fiscal year. Likewise, Nepal imported goods worth Rs 1383.36 billion during the review period. According to the Department, the import of goods rose by 25.67 per cent compared to the last fiscal year. Nepal had imported goods and services equal to Rs 1100.81 billion in the same period last year.
From mid-May to mid-June, Nepal imported goods and services of Rs 129.25 billion while the export remained just Rs 12.77 billion. As per the statistics, the country’s trade deficit in the current fiscal year has widened by 24.61 per cent.
In the country’s foreign trade, the share of import is 91.94 per cent while it is just 8.06 per cent of export. The top importing goods of Nepal include diesel, iron products (steel), legume oil, mobile phone, cooking gas and petrol. Likewise, legume oil, cardamom, carpet, tea and jute carpet remained the top export goods of Nepal.
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रुसबाट ५ सय ६३ युक्रेनी सैनिकको शव फिर्ता
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जीबी राई भगाउन सहयोग गर्ने सहसचिवलाई पुरस्कार !
कात्तिक २३, २०८१ शुक्रबार