Janakpur-Jayanagar Railway Company Hiring Additional Workforce
फागुन १६, २०७६ शुक्रबार २१:३:५६
28 Feb., Kathmandu : The government is preparing to recruit additional 226 workforce for the operation of a railway service from Kurtha in Dhanusha to Jayanagar India. The railway company’s existing workforce is very limited and additional employees including the company chief are being recruited to address the dearth, the Department of Railways, Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Management.
According to Department’s director general Balaram Mishra, the Council of Ministers last month had given permission to hire additional human resources for the railway service operation. The Department is waiting for its endorsement by the Board of Directors to make the vacancy announcement.
The most required workforce is for the engineering service. Employees for administration and accounting services are also necessary. The Department itself is handling the recruitment process as the company sans director general, it is said. The railway track has been already constructed for the project and two train sets have been manufactured in India and they are arriving here soon, Mishra said.
The government had initiated the procurement process for the two sets through an India’s government company, and the service can be operated once the sets arrive, he said. Two sets will have altogether ten coaches with capacity of boarding up to 12,000 passengers at once. The railway service track is 35 kilometers which will be extended up to Bijulpura in the future.
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