China Science, Technology News Summary Jan. 24
माघ १०, २०७६ शनिबार १:५४:५५
24 Jan., Kathmandu : The following is a summary of published science and technology news of China.
Chinese researchers have identified a key protein essential for the novel coronavirus to infect humans, providing valuable information to help evaluate the public health risk. They suggested the natural reservoir of the virus is likely to be bats.
China announced that it will launch its first Mars mission probe in July this year, China Youth Daily reported Thursday, adding that this is the first time the country disclosed the launch month of its Mars exploration program. The Mars probe will be sent by the Long March-5 Y4 carrier rocket, which has completed a 100-second test for its high thrust hydrogen-oxygen engine.
Chinese researchers have identified a specific neuron that makes fruit flies maintain personal space and form orderly clusters. They found that fruit flies in shallow, covered dishes form orderly clusters with regular space between flies spontaneously. They used their legs and wings to touch each other and establish personal space.
32 Million People Now Affected
China on Friday added a ninth city to a transport ban around the epicentre of a deadly virus, bringing the number affected by the shutdown to over 30 million as authorities scramble to control the disease. Authorities in Jingzhou, located in Hubei province where the virus first emerged, said all rail services leaving the city would close from 0400 GMT, while public buses, passenger transport, tourism buses, ferries and other boats will temporarily stop operations as well. Some 32 million people are now affected by travel restrictions around Hubei. AFP/RSS/Xinhua
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